The Lundeen’s: A Divine Collaboration

George Lundeen, Lundeen Studio
George Lundeen
Lundeen Studio

August 27, 2019 – February 2, 2020
In 2015, the Lundeen studio was commissioned to create several sculptures for The Cloisters on the Platte, a religious and silent retreat center conceived by philanthropist Joe Ricketts and located on the Nebraska prairie. The bronze figures consist of some of the most complex representations of the Stations of the Cross in the world today. The exhibition showcases the process to create these monumental works ranging from drawings and sketches to maquettes (smaller scale models). In adjacent galleries, works by 6 of the Lundeen family dynasty of artists complement the Cloisters sculptures: George, Mark, Bets, Cammie Lundeen; Ann LaRose, and Joey Bainer.

The Lundeens: A Divine Collaboration Exhibition List

Exhibition Sponsors: Dwayne & Margaret Brown and Dr. Bill & Linda Vosik