Don Dernovich
Spirit 2016

Don Dernovich, Spring Thaw, oilDon Dernovich
Spring Thaw

2014, 24 x 28″”
(click image for full view)

Don Dernovich, , oilDon Dernovich
Summer’s Gift

2014, 25½ x 29½”
(click image for full view)

Don Dernovich, Blustery Day, oilDon Dernovich
Blustery Day

19½ x 23½”
(click image for full view)

Don Dernovich, Clearing Up, oilDon Dernovich
Clearing Up

2015, 20 x 32″
(click image for full view)

 This artwork is held in reserve, and may be available for sale during the silent auction or on Sunday, April 3 at Good Morning MONA.