April 24 – July 19, 2015

Museum Purchase made possible by National Endowment for the Arts through a matching grant, Museum of Nebraska Art Collection
The 2015 exhibition series in MONA’s Postmaster Gallery explores poetry by Nebraska’s laureates, creating a synthesis of the literary with the visual. Aesthetic delights and sensory speech that connect us with our soulful self and the experiences of others are stirringly evoked through the visual language of metaphor. The second exhibition in the series features artworks imbued with the spirit of the poetry of current Nebraska Poet Laureate Twyla Hansen.
John T Price, author of Man Killed by Pheasant and Other Kinships, said this about Twyla Hansen and Linda M Hasselstrom’s collaborative collection of poems Dirt Songs: A Plains Duet:
“Two of the most significant poetic voices in our region, our nation – together at last. The music they create is a miracle, born of the generations, of soil and sky, wildflowers and birdsong, flesh and spirit. This book is a song to help reorient our relationship to the earth and to each other. A song to live by.”