From Courthouse Rock to
Scott’s Bluff (Chimney Rock)
watercolor on illustration board, 1930
Museum Purchase made possible by Anonymous Donor, Carl & Jane Rohman, Jack Karraker, Jon & Leslie Abegglen, Carl & Karen Brasee, Mary Ellen Mulcahy, Ed & Betty Cook, Clay & Beth Smith, Anne Thorne Weaver, F. William & Beverley Karrer, Gary Zaruba
From the ancient Greek and Roman frescoes (1700BCE) to the 19th Century landscapes of the Hudson River School, the theme of place has had a long history in art. This exhibition examines place as it appears in art from Nebraska. The specific locations, natural elements, and way of life are all defining features explored by the artworks featured here. Together, this group of work surveys the sights, sounds, and feelings of being in Nebraska. Through these Nebraska Marvels, we celebrate the moments, place and people that embody our personal history as well as our future.