Dwayne Wilcox: Spirit 2020

Dwayne Wilcox, Two Tone Shape Shifters, Colored pencil and ink on antique ledger paper, 2019, 19 × 2 × 24
Dwayne Wilcox
Two Tone Shape Shifters

Colored pencil and ink on antique ledger paper
19 × 2 × 24″
(click image for full view)

Dwayne Wilcox, Wow Real America Not Sees, Colored pencil and ink on antique ledger paper, 2019, 19 × 2 × 25½
Dwayne Wilcox
Wow Real America Not Sees

Colored pencil and ink on antique ledger paper
19 × 2 × 25½”
(click image for full view)