Ann Pape
Spirit 2016

Ann Pape, Almost Home, oilAnn Pape
Almost Home

2015, 21 x 18″
(click image for full view)

Ann Pape, Washboard Pond, oilAnn Pape
Washboard Pond

2015, 23 x 26″
(click image for full view)

Ann Pape, Across the Wide Missouri, oil
Ann Pape
Across the Wide Missouri

2015, 25 x 30″
(click image for full view)

This artwork is held in reserve, and may be available for sale during the silent auction or on Sunday, April 3 at Good Morning MONA.

Ann Pape, Snow Day, oilAnn Pape
Snow Day

2015, 23 x 27″
(click image for full view)