1937, Lincoln, Nebraska – 2008, San Francisco, California Marcia Laging Cummings Jailbreak seed beads 2010 Museum Purchase made possible by Anonymous Donor Accession No: 2013.20 (click image for full view)
E.J. Montgomery: MONA collection artwork
1930, New York, New York – E.J. Montgomery Mango Bowl monoprint 2011 Gift of the Artist Accession No: 2011.16.01 (click image for full view) E.J. Montgomery Sunburst monoprint 2011 18½ × 15″ Gift of the Artist Accession No: 2011.16.02 (click image for full view)
George Tuck: MONA collection artwork
1942, Armarillo, Texas – George Tuck The Paris I Know, Paris, France black & white photograph 1978 9 × 13″ Gift of the Artist Accession No: 2016.23.01 (click image for full view) George Tuck Split Image, Seibert, Colorado black & white photograph 1998 7¾ × 11¾” image Gift of the Artist Accession No: 2006.17.01 (click Read More
Josephine Homan Catlin: MONA collection artwork
1842, Huntington, New York – 1924, San Diego, California Biographical sketch of artist Josephine Homan Catlin Josephine Homan Catlin Untitled (still life with mouse) watercolor 1908 Museum Purchase made possible by Lonnie Pierson Dunbier Accession No: 2016.23.01 (click image for full view)

Cranes: Taking Flight
February 17 – May 13, 2018 In honor of the annual Sandhill Crane migration through Central Nebraska, the Museum of Nebraska Art showcases artworks that pay tribute to this natural phenomenon. From painting and sculpture to prints and photography, artists have been inspired to render striking imagery depicting the literal and spiritual significance of this Read More
John Nygren: MONA collection artwork
1940, Big Springs, Nebraska – John Nygren Ancient Persimmon Landscape (#2288) blown, hot worked glass 1982 7½ × 7½ × 7½” Museum Purchase made possible by Marilyn F. Belschner Arts Endowment Fund Accession No: 2008.10 (click image for full view)
Katherine E. Nash: MONA collection artwork
1910, Minneapolis, Minnesota – 1982, Minneapolis, Minnesota Katherine Nash Fallen Angel bronze c. 1950-57 20¾ × 10 × 9″ Gift of Harriet Miller Accession No: 2007.44 (click image for full view) Katherine Nash Walking Woman bronze c. 1950-57 20¾ × 10 × 9″ Gift of Harriet Miller Accession No: 2007.45 (click image for full view)
Willie Sapp: MONA Collection Artwork
1952, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – Willie Sapp Untitled (lidded container) raku 1993 Gift of Carl Rohman and Charles Wright Accession No: 1994.29 (click image for full view)
Rudy Pozzatti: Darwin’s Bestiary
Return to Rudy Pozzatti: collection artwork I Return to Rudy Pozzatti: collection artwork II
Cedric Hartman: MONA Collection artwork
1929, Lincoln, Nebraska – Cedric Hartman Low Profile Luminaire-1UWV chromium plate, brass 1969 36 × 11 × 14¼” Gift of Karen & Robert Duncan Accession No:2018.05.01 (click image for full view) Cedric Hartman Low Profile Luminaire-2WV chromium plate, brass, stainless steel 1966 37½ × 21 × 18″ Gift of Karen & Robert Duncan Accession No:2018.05.02 Read More